
亚博验证文化Vistas总裁+CEOJennifer Clinton关于George Floyd Vercit

亚博验证文化Vistas总裁+CEOJennifer Clinton关于George Floyd Vercit

亚博验证文化Vistas表扬George Floyd谋杀案审判中有罪判决用明尼苏达州总检察长Keith Ellison的话公断意味着真正的恢复但却是问责制,这是向公义迈出的第一步让我们继续站在一起,呼吁无论哪里有不公,都追究我们领导人和机构的责任。

While we take a moment to celebrate this victory in the fight against systemic racism, the uncertainty of what the verdict would be reminds us that there is still much work to be done.  We have always seen the purpose of our work to bring people closer together through the exchange of knowledge, values and perspectives.  We will continue to pursue this purpose through our mission to equip the next generation of global leaders to solve complex challenges through exchange.  In this work, we will help individuals develop an appreciation of diversity, value mutual understanding, and strengthen their ability to bridge differences to build a more just and equitable world.

今日并永远记住George Floyd 和因他无谓死亡而点燃的改变呼声感谢社区通过监听学习和寻找方法支持这项工作,使我们能聚集一堂实现有意义的变化。支持黑社会消除系统性种族主义
